Key Publications:
- Lambert C, Simon H, Coleman J, Barrick TR. 2017, Defining Thalamic Sub-Nuclei and Topographic Connectivity Gradients in vivo. NeuroImage, 158, 466-79. Link to Article
- Lambert C, Benjamin P, Zeestraten E, Lawrence AJ, Barrick TR, Markus HM. 2016, Longitudinal patterns of leukoaraiosis and brain atrophy in symptomatic small vessel disease. Brain, 2016 Mar 1;139(4):1136-51. Link to Article.
- Lambert C, Lutti A, Helms G, Frackowiak R, Ashburner J. 2013, Multiparametric Brainstem Segmentation using a Modified Multivariate Mixture of Gaussians. Neuroimage:Clinical, 2, 684-694. Link to Article
- Lambert C, Zrinzo L, Nagy Z, Lutti A, Hariz M, Foltynie T, Draganski B, Ashburner J, Frackowiak R. 2015, Do we need to revise the tripartite subdivision hypothesis of the human subthalamic nucleus (STN)? Response to Alkemade and Forstmann. Neuroimage, 110, 1-2. Link to Article
- Lambert C, Zrinzo L, Nagy Z, Lutti A, Hariz M, Foltynie T, Draganski B, Ashburner J, Frackowiak R. 2012, Confirmation of functional zones within the human subthalamic nucleus: Patterns of connectivity and sub-parcellation using diffusion weighted imaging. Neuroimage 60(1), 83-94. Link to Article
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All Publications:
- Lambert C, Zeestraten E, Williams O, Benjamin P, Lawrence A, Morris R, Mackinnon A, Barrick T, Markus H. 2018. Use of MRI to identify preclinical vascular dementia in symptomatic small vessel disease. Neuroimage: Clinical. Link to Article
- Lawrence AJ, Zeestraten EA, Benjamin P, Lambert Ct, Morris RG, Barrick TR, Markus HS. 2018. Longitudinal decline in structural networks predicts dementia in cerebral small vessel disease. Neurology, 10-212. Link to Article
- Benjamin P, Trippier S, Lawrence AJ, Lambert C, Zeestraten E, Williams OA, Patel B, Morris RG, Barrick TR, MacKinnon AD, Markus HS. 2018. Lacunar Infarcts, but Not Perivascular Spaces, Are Predictors of Cognitive Decline in Cerebral Small-Vessel Disease. Stroke, 49(3) 586-93. Link to Article
- Ricciardi L, Lambert C, De Micco R, Morgante F, Edwards M. 2017. Can we predict development of impulsive-compulsive behaviours in Parkinson’s disease? J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry. Link to Article
- Williams OA, Zeestraten E, Benjamin P, Lambert C, Lawrence AJ, Mackinnon AD, Morris RG, Markus H, Barrick T, Charlton R. 2017. Predicting Dementia in Cerebral Small-Vessel Disease using an automatic Diffusion Tensor Image Segmentation Technique. Alzheimer’s & Dementia: The Journal of the Alzheimer’s Association, 13(7), 789-90. Link to Article
- Zeestraten EA, Lawrence AJ, Lambert C, Benjamin P, Brookes RL, Mackinnon AD, Morris RG, Barrick TR, Markus HS. 2017. Change in multimodal MRI markers predicts dementia risk in cerebral small vessel disease. Neurology, 89(18), 1869-76. Link to Article
- Lambert C, Simon H, Coleman J, Barrick TR. 2017, Defining Thalamic Sub-Nuclei and Topographic Connectivity Gradients in vivo. NeuroImage, 158, 466-79. Link to Article
- Zeestraten, E.A., Benjamin, P., Lambert C, Lawrence, A.J., Williams, O.A., Morris, R.G., Barrick, T.R. and Markus, H.S., 2016. Application of Diffusion Tensor Imaging Parameters to Detect Change in Longitudinal Studies in Cerebral Small Vessel Disease. PloS one, 11(1), p.e0147836. Link to Article.
- Lambert C, Benjamin P, Zeestraten E, Lawrence AJ, Barrick TR, Markus HM. 2016, Longitudinal patterns of leukoaraiosis and brain atrophy in symptomatic small vessel disease. Brain, 2016 Mar 1;139(4):1136-51. Link to Article.
- Lambert C, Janakan SN, Barrick TR, Markus HM. 2015, Characterising the Grey Matter Correlates of Leukoaraiosis in Cerebral Small Vessel Disease. NeuroImage: Clinical, 9, 194-205. Link to Article.
- Reitboeck PG, MacKinnon AD, McEntagart M, Lambert C, Edwards M, Omer S. 2015, Prominent cognitive decline and behavioural disturbance in late-onset Alexander disease. Journal of the neurological sciences. Link to Article
- Benjamin P, Zeestraten E, Lambert C, Lawrence AJ, Ster IC, Patel B, MacKinnon AD, Barrick TR, Markus HM. 2015, Progression of MRI markers in Cerebral Small Vessel Disease. Results from the SCANS study. Estimates of Sample Size to Detect Treatment Effects. Journal of Cerebral Blood Flow & Metabolism. Link to Article
- Lambert C, Zrinzo L, Nagy Z, Lutti A, Hariz M, Foltynie T, Draganski B, Ashburner J, Frackowiak R. 2015, Do we need to revise the tripartite subdivision hypothesis of the human subthalamic nucleus (STN)? Response to Alkemade and Forstmann. Neuroimage, 110, 1-2. Link to Article
- Benjamin P, Lawrence AJ, Lambert C, Patel B, Chung AW, MacKinnon AD, Morris RG, Barrick TR, Markus HS. 2014, Strategic lacunes and their relationship to cognitive impairment in cerebral small vessel disease.Neuroimage:Clinical, 4, 828-837. Link to Article
- Garrard P, Vassiliki S, Lambert C, Owen D. 2013, Linguistic biomarkers of Hubris syndrome. Cortex, 55, 167-181. Link to Article
- Lambert C, Chowdhury R, FitzGerald T, Fleming S, Lutti A, Hutton C, Draganski B, Frackowiak R, Ashburner J. 2013, Characterising Ageing in the Human Brainstem Using Quantitative Multimodal MRI Analysis. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, 7. Link to Article
- Chowdhury R, Lambert C, Dolan RJ, Duzel E. 2013, Parcellation of the human substantia nigra based on anatomical connectivity to the striatum. Neuroimage, 81, 191-198. Link to Article
- Lambert C, Lutti A, Helms G, Frackowiak R, Ashburner J. 2013, Multiparametric Brainstem Segmentation using a Modified Multivariate Mixture of Gaussians. Neuroimage:Clinical, 2, 684-694. Link to Article
- Chowdhury R, Guitart-Masip M, Lambert C, Dayan P, Huys Q, Dolan RJ. 2013, Dopamine restores reward prediction in old age.Nature Neuroscience, 16(5), 648-653. Link to Article
- Chowdhury R, Guitart-Masip M, Lambert C, Dolan RJ, Duzel E. 2013, Structural integrity of the substantia nigra and subthalamic nucleus predicts flexibility of instrumental learning in older-age individuals. Neurobiology of aging, 34(10), 2261-2270. Link to Article
- Freeman ED, Ipser A, Palmbaha A, Paunoiu D, Brown P, Lambert C, Leff A, Driver J. 2013, Sight and sound out of synch: Fragmentation and renormalisation of audiovisual integration and subjective timing. Cortex, 49(10), 2875-2887. Link to Article
- Lambert C, Zrinzo L, Nagy Z, Lutti A, Hariz M, Foltynie T, Draganski B, Ashburner J, Frackowiak R. 2012, Confirmation of functional zones within the human subthalamic nucleus: Patterns of connectivity and sub-parcellation using diffusion weighted imaging. Neuroimage 60(1), 83-94. Link to Article